Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Supreme Court refuses to stay execution of Richard Glossip
The US Supreme Court refused to halt Richard Glossip's execution this afternoon. Glossip was convicted based on the testimony of one man and insists that he is innocent. Pope Francis pleaded for his clemency, but no avail.
Glossip was convicted of the 1997 murder of his boss, motel owner Barry Van Treese, although he was not the direct killer. Another man named Justin Sneed testified that Glossip had hired him to carry out the murder by bludgeoning Van Treese to death. He is currently serving a life sentence, and Glossip’s conviction is largely based on Sneed’s testimony.
The last stay of Glossip’s execution occurred only two weeks ago, hours before he was set to be killed. An appeals court stopped the process so that it could consider claims that new evidence showed Glossip to be innocent.
INC News, Almaty, Mira Kartbayeva - 30/09/2015 - via RT
Joaquin upgraded to Cat 1 hurricane as East Coast braces for more flooding
The East Coast is bracing for a weekend of potential flooding as Hurricane Joaquin bears down on the Bahamas. The storm was upgraded from a tropical storm Wednesday morning, and weather forecasters expect it to turn northwards towards the US.
Joaquin’s winds “have increased to near 75 mph (120 km/h) with higher gusts,”according to Air Force Reserve Hurricane Hunter reconnaissance aircraft measurements.
Hurricane Joaquin is intensifying slowly, as the wind shear drops. The storm’s 55-mile-wide eye remains open on the north side.
INC News, Almaty, Mira Kartbayeva - 30/09/2015- via RT
На Китай обрушился мощный тайфун
Тайфун «Дуджуан», также известный как Дженни, обрушился на побережье провинции Фуцзянь в Китае. Наибольший урон стихия нанесла городскому округу Путянь. Власти эвакуировали более 4 тыс. человек.
Almaty, INC News 30/09/2015 - via RT
The Russian Air Force has begun carrying out airstrikes against Islamic State targets in Syria, the country’s Defense Ministry said.
Earlier, a US official told Reuters that Moscow gave Washington one-hour advanced notice of its operations. The bombing is taking place in western Syria, near the city Homs, the official added.
A Pentagon official also told Russia’s RIA Novosti that urged the US to clear the skies for the operation.
Kremlin doesn’t rule out Transaero bankruptcy, will help 10,000 employees
The deadline for the takeover of Transaero, Russia's second-biggest airline, by Aeroflot has elapsed, says Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov. As another rescue plan is being considered, bankruptcy for the carrier is still a possibility, he added. "The main condition that the government should accept is that we do not have to save the company, but we have to take care of the people," said the minister. Shuvalov is referring to the more than 10,000 Transaero employees that may lose their jobs.
"Even if the situation doesn’t turn out good for the company, in any case, people will not be left without support. We will deal with it seriously,” said Shuvalov. He also said that the government, if necessary, will help Aeroflot to refund or exchange tickets sold by Transaero. "There should be no defrauded customers,” he added.
Almaty, INC NEWS, 30/09/2015 - via RT
Maybe, baby: First 10 UK womb transplants get go-ahead
Womb transplants will take place for the first time in the UK next year as part of a trial after the program received authorization from a British university, giving 10 women the chance to carry their own children.
The procedure was given the go-ahead by Imperial College London following a similar and successful operation in Sweden last year.Experts estimate the first baby gestated in a transplanted womb could be born as soon as 2017/18.
Roughly one in 5,000 women is born without a womb in the UK. The procedure will be offered to those who suffer from the condition and other women who may have had their womb removed during cancer treatment. More than 100 women have been identified as potential recipients of a new womb.
The surgical team will be led by Dr Richard Smith, consultant gynecologist at Queen Charlotte’s and Chelsea Hospital. He has worked on the project for nearly 20 years.
Read the article HERE
INC News, Schiedam, 30/09/2015 - via RT
Massive blasts in Guangxi, China: At least 3 killed, 13 injured, police blame explosive parcels
At least three people were killed and 13 injured after parcels containing explosives caused massive explosions in several locations in Liuzhou, in China's north-central Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, CCTV reported.
A total of 13 explosions were heard across the city between 3.15pm and 5pm, local paper Nanguo Zao Bao quoted authorities as saying.
INC News, Schiedam, 30/09/2015 - via RT
14 people shot in 15 hours in Chicago
Fourteen people were shot in Chicago over just 15 hours, as the week got off to a bloody start. The latest burst of violence follows two straight weekends where more than 50 people were shot. Chicago Mayor Emanuel said he was angry and “enough is enough.” Six people were killed and at least eight others injured in the 15-hour span between Monday night and Tuesday morning.
The first of the shootings occurred Monday evening, when a family on its way back from an outing was gunned down in New City’s Back of the Yards neighborhood on Chicago’s South Side. A pregnant mother and grandmother were left dead, as were three others. An 11-month-old boy was wounded, police said, according to the Chicago Tribune.
Have a look of article HERE
INC News, Schiedam, 30/09/2015
Russian parliament unanimously approves use of troops in Syria
The upper chamber of the Russian parliament has unanimously given a formal consent to President Putin to use the nation’s military in Syria to fight terrorism at a request from the Syrian President Bashar Assad.
Consent was necessary for deployment of troops for foreign combat missions under the Russian constitution.
The request for use of force was sent by the president after considering the large number of citizens of Russia and neighboring countries, who went to join terrorist groups fighting in Syria, head of the presidential administration Sergey Ivanov told media. There are thousands of them, and Russia’s national security would be under threat, should they return home, he added.
INC News, Schiedam, 30/09/2015 - via RT
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Deadliest ever attack in Yemen: At least 131 killed as airstrike hits we...
Mira Kartbayeva for
'Do you realise what you've done?' Putin addresses UNGA 2015 (FULL SPEECH)
Mira Kartbayeva for
Facebook si ferma per la seconda volta in una settimana
Per la seconda volta nel giro di una settimana Facebook è risultato inaccessibile agli utenti di varie parti del mondo. Dopo il crollo del 24 settembre (e il singhiozzo di due settimane fa), il problema si è ripresentato la sera - ora italiana - di lunedì 28 per poco meno di mezz’ora. Un tempo sufficiente perché Twitter venisse popolato di messaggi corredati dall’hashtag #facebookdown, diventato in pochi minuti il più gettonato fra ironie e richieste di spiegazioni.
INC News, Schiedam, 29/09/2015 - via Corriere
Siamo sempre stati della idea che la tecnologia sia stata mal utilizzata, e questo continuo crash o break down dei Socials fa pensare che non sará poi cosí lontano il periodo di riprendere a scrivere con carta e penna. Vi rocordate come si fa a scrivere, vero? Perché sennó occorrerá un social che insegni a scrivere, anche se un robot che scrive in modo umano giá é stato costruito...
Cina e materie prime spaventano le Borse: listini Ue deboli, Tokyo crolla del 4%
L'economia asiatica continua a dare segnali di rallentamento, contribuendo al crollo generalizzato delle materie prime e delle aziende ad esse legate. Il Tesoro mette in asta 8 miliardi di Btp. L'indice Nikkei sotto quota 17 mila punti per la prima volta negli ultimi 9 mesi per i timori sulla temuta dell'economia di Pechino.
Leggere articolo di Repubblica QUI
INC News, Schiedam, 29/09/2015
Bangladesh, cooperante italiano ucciso a Dacca. Stato islamico rivendica omicidio
Lo Stato islamico ha rivendicato l'uccisione dell'italiano Cesare Tavella in Bangladesh. Lo riferisce su Twitter la direttrice del Site Intelligence Group, Rita Katz. Il cooperante 50enne è stato ucciso a colpi di arma da fuoco nel quartiere diplomatico della capitale, Dacca. Secondo la Katz, l'Is ha ucciso Tavella in quanto "occidentale". La stessa fonte riporta quella che viene considerata la rivendicazione dell'Is: "In un'operazione speciale dei soldati del Califfato in Bangladesh, una pattuglia ha preso di mira lo spregevole crociato Cesare Tavella dopo averlo seguito in una strada di Dacca, dove gli è stato sparato a morte con armi silenziate, sia lode a Dio. Ai membri della coalizione crociata diciamo: non sarete sicuri nelle terre dei musulmani. E' solo la prima goccia di pioggia".
Vi invitiamo a leggere l'articolo di Repubblica QUI
INC News, Schiedam, 29/09/2015 - via Repubblica
Siria, prove d'intesa Obama-Putin, ma su Assad restano lontani
Prove di dialogo tra il presidente americano Barack Obama e quello russo Vladimir Putin sulla Siria. E spunta l'ipotesi di raid aerei congiunti anti-Is. Ma le divergenze sul ruolo del leader siriano Bashar al Assad rimangono e sono nette. Dopo lo scambio di accuse nei rispettivi interventi all'Assemblea generale delle Nazioni unite, i due leader hanno avuto un faccia a faccia a porte chiuse durato 95 minuti dove si sono detti disposti al dialogo sulla transizione politica in Siria, ma sul futuro del presidente Assad "c'è un forte disaccordo", riferiscono fonti della Casa Bianca.
Invitiamo a leggere l'articolo QUI
INC News, Schiedam, 29/09/2015 - via Repubblica
Monday, September 28, 2015
Putin, Obama meet on UNGA sidelines
The leaders of Russia and the United States are holding a bilateral meeting on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York, shortly after they both addressed the international community on urgent topics, varying from global terrorism to climate change.
INC News, Almaty, 29/09/2015 - via RT
Gunman reported in medical clinic in Rockford, Illinois
Police are currently responding to a report of a shooting at a medical clinic in Rockford, Illinois.
Crusader Community Health CEO Gordon Eggers says that law enforcement is converging to the second floor of the clinic, according to a local NBC affiliate.
Patients, nurses and doctors are reported to have taken shelter inside storefronts, according to local businesses. Streets in the area have been closed off.
Crusader VP of Development Linda Niemec says that some staff are still inside the building, but are in a secure location.
There have not been any deaths or injuries reported.
INC News, Schiedam, 29/09/2015 - via Web
Putin to UN: Export of so-called democratic revolutions continues globally
(full speech oof Vladimir Putin)
The export of the so-called democratic revolutions continues, as the international community fails to learn from mistakes, which have already been made, Russian President Vladimir Putin said addressing the UNGA. He cited the example of the revolutions in the Middle East, when people wished for change, “but how did that turn out?”
He said that instead of triumph of democracy “we have violence and social disaster,” where no one cares about human rights, including the right to life.
Read article HERE
INC News, Schiedam, 28/09/2015 - via RT
Petrol-drenched man tasered by police died of ‘severe burns,’ inquest hears
A petrol-soaked man with a history of depression died from “severe burns,” but it remains unclear whether he ignited himself or caught fire as a result of being tasered by a police officer, an inquest has heard. Andrew Pimlott, 32, was reportedly carrying a match or lighter when a police officer tasered him at his parents’ home in Devon two years ago. On Monday, Plymouth Coroner’s Court heard that Pimlott’s father, Kevin, called the police after seeing him arrive at his parents’ home and picking up a can of fuel. Pimlott was previously ordered to stay away from his parents’ home after pleading guilty to criminal damage at the property. His father was convinced Pimlott was about to set the house on fire. Two police officers, identified in the inquest as PCs Beer and Hodgkinson, arrived at Pimlott’s family home minutes after being called.
INC News, Schiedam, 28/09/2015 - via RT
Wereld geniet van sensationele maan
Vrijwel niemand is de rode maan in Nederland ontgaan. Maar buiten de grenzen is de bloedmaan ook een trekpleister. Wij hebben beelden uit verschillende landen op een rij gezet.
INC News, Schiedam, 28/09/2015 via De Telegraaf
Raw: Timelapse of Supermoon Eclipse
All over in the world we assisted of one Red Moon Eclipse this morning European Time.
This was the last, the next one will be in 2023. The difference from this eclipse and the precedents
consisted in the fact the distance with the Earth was reduced respect the normal orbital trip, and so
the imagine of Moon was 14% bigger than normal and the color of Moon Red!
INC News, Schiedam - 28/09/2015 - via AP
Дэвид Кэмерон: Членство со свинячим пятачком
"Куда катиться мир?" - спрашивает себя каждый цивилизованный человек планеты? Чем мы руководствуемся когда просыпаемся? Ну явно не тем, чтобы удовлетворять свои порочные прихоти и животные инстинкты. Хотя есть и особые личности, которым не слабо вложить свое мужское достоинство в пасть мертвой свиньи. Более подробно читайте по ссылке
28/09/2015-Алматы, Картбаева Мира для INCNews
Взгляд на демократию глазами господина Лукашенко.
"Под предлогом наличия ядерного оружия в Ираке решили демократизировать страну. И где же эта демократия?" - потребовал от представителей ООН президент Белоруссии.
Мира Картбаева для INCNews, 28/09/2015 -Алматы
Sunday, September 27, 2015
INC News vuole essere il vostro compagno informatore per eccellenza e a tal fine con noi potrete:
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INC News Commentary,
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Seguiteci, sara' un piacere per noi intrattenervi e per voi avere un canale simpatico e sincero!
*INC* News Commentary B.V. é un sito registrato alla Camera di Commercio Olandese e operativo in Netherlands e presto in Kazakhstan, ma gira nel web mondiale per diffondere le notizie importanti ovunque le Agenzie non arrivino!
Oggi sono salito in macchina, una Polo, per andare in città e mi è venuta una riflessione circa la VolksWagen, visto che la stavo guidando. Sono fortunato ad aver comperato la Polo nel 2005, così non ho i problemi degli altri. Ma alla fine mi sono chiesto di quali problemi si stia parlando.
La mia Polo non ha il problema delle emissioni pericolose bandite dai Governi e quindi non fa parte di quel numero incredibile di vetture che sono state commerciate con una voluta alterazione dei sistemi di controllo elettronico delle emissioni.
Nessuno di coloro che avevano comperato una delle vetture incriminate è colpevole, certo, però viene spontaneo chiedersi un paio di cosette, in merito.
Qui si sta parlando di VW, della casa produttrice più famosa del mondo, quella che vende più macchine di tutte e per di più tedesca, quindi legata al marchio di fabbrica, legata al concetto di chi compra prodotti tedeschi, fino a ieri considerati il top sul mercato.
Come è potuto accadere che una potenza mondiale delle auto come la VW sia caduta in questo pantano? O meglio come mai si sono trovati a dover manipolare un programma elettronico, per poter vendere le auto? Forse tutta la catena di produzione era ferma alle vecchie normative che non prevedevano determinate cose, e quindi il dover riprodurre tutto sarebbe costato un patrimonio? O forse si era visto che manipolando il programma si poteva costruire a meno costo ma allo stesso prezzo di prima?
Certo è che il mondo ora si chiede questo, come me, e se davvero la Germania è la potenza industriale per eccellenza o una truffa legalizzata. Per sicuro il rischio più grosso lo corre la Nazione: il nome Germania come produttore industriale per eccellenza può venire oscurato, benchè le Borse abbiano reagito abbastanza bene, al colpo iniziale. In una epoca come la nostra attuale, dove la tecnologia sta superando ogni limite, pare che l'uomo la manipoli a suo piacimento, e tutto sarebbe bello se il piacimento fosse per un mondo migliore e non per truffare il prossimo.
Mikhail Lermontov, Schiedam, 27/09/2015 for INC NEWS - ©INCNews
Today I got in the car, a Polo, to go into town and I got a reflection about the VolksWagen, given that I was driving. I'm lucky to have bought the Polo in 2005, so I have not the problems of others. But in the end I asked what problems you're talking about. My Polo does not have the problem of hazardous emissions banned by governments and thus is not part of that incredible number of cars that were traded with a deliberate alteration of the electronic control systems of emissions.
None of those who had bought one of the cars indicted is guilty, of course, but it is natural to ask a couple of things, about.
Here we are talking of VW, the world's most famous manufacturer, one that sells more cars for all and moreover German, then linked to the trademark, linked to the concept of those who buy German products, until recently considered the top in the market.
How did it happen that a world power cars like the VW has fallen into this quagmire? Or rather why they have had to manipulate an electronic program, in order to sell cars? Maybe the whole chain of production was still the old regulations did not provide for certain things, and then having to play everything would cost a fortune? Or maybe it was seen that by manipulating the program could be built in less cost and at the same price as before?
What is certain is that the world now asks this, like me, and if indeed Germany is an industrial power par excellence or a legalized scam. For sure the biggest risk it runs the Nation: the name Germany as industrial manufacturer par excellence can be obscured, though the stock markets have reacted quite well on the break. In an era like our present, where technology is exceeding all limits, it seems that the man hand pieces at will, and everything would be fine if it were the wish for a better world and not to cheat others.
Mikhail Lermontov, Schiedam, 27/09/2015 for INC NEWS - ©INCNews
Saturday, September 26, 2015
Unfriending a Facebook ‘friend’ could constitute bullying, Australian tribunal finds
Deleting a friend on Facebook could have serious consequences, after an Australian work tribunal found a woman in Tasmania, who unfriended a colleague on the social network following an argument, guilty of workplace bullying.
The Fair Work Commission ruled that Lisa Bird, who works at the View estate agency in Launceston, was guilty of bullying sales administrator Rachel Roberts. Bird was accused of showing a “lack of emotional maturity” for having the nerve not to say “good morning” to her colleague and subsequently deleting her from Facebook.
Bird decided to unfriend Roberts after an argument. Roberts had complained that Bird, the wife of the agency’s principle, James Bird, had acted aggressively towards her in order to put her down in front of the other workers. Bird called Roberts a“naughty little schoolgirl for running to the teacher.”
INC News, 26/09/2015 - via RT
‘Karma Police’: Illegal GCHQ operation to track ‘every visible user on the internet’
New documents shared by whistleblower Edward Snowden reveal GCHQ mass-surveyed “every visible user on the internet,” codenaming the operation Karma Police after a popular song by Radiohead.
The mission was started in 2009, without the agency obtaining legal permission to carry out the operation. Also there was no Parliamentary consultation or public scrutiny, documents published by the Intercept website show.
GCHQ - Government Communications Headquarters – is a UK spy agency responsible for providing intelligence by intercepting communications between people or equipment. The data is handed over to the British government and armed forces. The recently revealed operation was developed by GCHQ in 2007-08. It aimed to link "every user visible to passive SIGINT with every website they visit, hence providing either (a) a web browsing profile for every visible user on the internet, or (b) a user profile for every visible website on the internet." The numbers of surveyed users were astonishing: in 2012, GCHQ gathered some 50 billion online metadata records a day, and the agency planned to boost its capacity to 100 billion records a day by the end of this year.The information was held for months in a vast store nicknamed the Black Hole and was carefully examined by data analysts.
В мечети на юге Лондона произошел пожар
В южном районе Лондона загорелась мечеть «Байтуль-Футух», считающаяся самой большой в Западной Европе. Огонь охватил два нижних этажа здания, а также распространился на прилегающую территорию. На месте работают 70 пожарных.
INC News, 26/09/2015 - via RT
German nurse shocked after being forced out of flat to make way for refugees
Having lived in the same flat for 16 years, a German woman is being forced to move out to make way for refugees, because building a new shelter is too expensive. The 51 year-old nurse, who has helped asylum seekers in the past, was shocked by the news.
Bettina Halbey, who lives alone in the small town of Nieheim, received a letter from her landlord and the local municipality at the start of September, Die Welt newspaper reported on Thursday.
Read this news HERE
INC News, 26/09/2015 - Schiedam, via RT
One of Europe's largest mosques on fire, 70 firefighters battling blaze
The Baitul Futuh Mosque in London has caught fire. Half of its ground floor and first floor are in flames. Seventy firefighters and 10 fire engines are reported to be tackling the blaze.
A fire has broken out at the mosque located in London Road in Morden, in the south of the British capital, a London Fire Brigade (LFB) spokesman said on Saturday, according to local media.
INC News, 26/09/2015, Schiedam - via RT
Первый в Казахстане вертикальный забег устроили в Алматы
Something new that all people should imitate in the world!
INC News, 26/09/2015-Almaty-via TengrizNews
Tra poco più di un mese Expo Milano 2015 chiuderà e passerà il tedoforo delle mostre internazionali ad Astana, per la Expo 2017.
I milioni di visitatori della mostra, assieme all'interesse commerciale di migliaia di aziende, si sposteranno nella nuova capitale del Paese sulla via della seta con differente interesse: in Italia fu alimentazione ed ambiente, in Kazakhstan sarà l'Energia il polo di attrazione. Se in Italia l'ecosistema e la alimentazione stanno dimostrando che si può fare tutto per salvare il nostro Pianeta, in Kazakhstan si dimostrerà che il problema energetico riveste la stessa identica importanza e che la tecnologia e il sistema industriale devono dare il loro contributo a non distruggere il già debole ecosistema, ma evolvere in nuove risorse che permettano la evoluzione umana non a partire dal fuoco alla bomba atomica, ma dal fuoco alla energia alternativa, che permetta questa continua super veloce evoluzione del genere umano non solo im poche Nazioni, ma ovunque.
Da Paese di poche migliaia di nomadi, a potenza industriale, con il suo ultimo ingresso quest'anno nel WTO, con la sua geniale idea di costituire con Bielorussia, Russia ed altri Paesi asiatici il nuovo contrapposto commerciale degli altri poli come America, Europa, China. Nel 2017 Astana dovrà dimostrare di essere il Kazakhstan una delle migliori potenze energetiche e di ecosostenibilità più attentiva al binomio ambiente-vita umana versus energia-produzione.
Sarà compito dei nuovi giovani managers che sono stati a studiare all'estero, a dimostrare al mondo che la loro Nazione è tornata ad essere "la via della seta", mantenendo le proprie tradizioni guardando alla propria evoluzione, sino ad arrivare ad essere non più l'Eldorado dell'occidente, ma un paese ricco e colto perchè ha imparato dagli errori altrui ad essere migliore, per se stesso e gli altri.
MIRA KARTBAYEVA, for INC News, 26/09/2015 - Almaty ©INCNews
In just over a month Expo Milano 2015 will close and will pass the torch bearer of international exhibitions in Astana, for the Expo 2017.
The millions of visitors to the exhibition, together with the interest of thousands of commercial companies, will move to the new capital of the country on the Silk Road with different interest in Italy was power and environment in Kazakhstan will be the energy the center of attraction.
If in Italy the ecosystem and the power are proving that you can do everything to save our planet, in Kazakhstan it will prove that the energy problem is of exactly the same importance and that the technology and the industrial system must do their part to not destroy the already fragile ecosystem, but evolve into new resources to enable the human evolution away from the fire to the atomic bomb, but by fire to alternative energy, which allows this continuous super fast evolution of mankind not only im many nations, but everywhere.
From country of few thousands of nomads in industrial power, with its latest entry into the WTO this year, with its brilliant idea to set up with Belarus, Russia and other Asian countries an opposition as new commercial of the new centers against supremacy of America, Europe, China. In 2017 Astana will have to prove that Kazakhstan should be one of the best power Nation in energy and sustainability with more attention on environment-human life versus energy-production.
It is the task of the new young managers who were studying abroad, to prove to the world that their country has again become "the Silk Road", maintaining their traditions looking at its evolution, until getting to be no more the Eldorado of the West, but a rich and cultured country because it has learned from the mistakes of others to be better, for himself and others.
MIRA KARTBAYEVA, for INC News, 26/09/2015 - Almaty ©INCNews
Friday, September 25, 2015
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