Tuesday, December 31, 2013


A tutti i nostri amati lettori degli articoli che produciamo, vada il nostro più sincero e caldo augurio per l'arrivo del Nuovo Anno! Grazie per seguirci, cercheremo di migliorare dove richiesto.
I tre giornalisti di INC News

À tous nos chers lecteurs des articles que nous produisons, aller nos vœux les plus sincères et chaleureuses pour la venue de la nouvelle année! Merci de nous suivre, nous allons essayer d'améliorer le cas échéant.
Les trois journalistes de INC Nouvelles

To all our beloved readers of the articles that we produce, go our sincere and warm wishes for the coming of the New Year! Thank you for following us, we will try to improve where required.
The three journalists of INC News

A todos nuestros queridos lectores de los artículos que producimos, vaya a nuestros deseos sinceros y cálidos para la llegada del Año Nuevo! Gracias por seguirnos, vamos a tratar de mejorar, cuando sea necesario.
Los tres periodistas de INC Noticias

Для всех нашего любимого читателей статей, которые мы производим, перейдите наши искренние и теплые пожелания по случаю наступающего Нового года! Спасибо за следует за нами, мы постараемся улучшить, где это необходимо.
Три журналисты МКП Новости

Monday, December 30, 2013

Pro o contro?

La disputa circa la sperimentazione sugli animali comincia ora a fare passi avanti e porre il dilemma alla intera popolazione italiana e non solo quella.Senza la sperimentazione non e' possibile assolutamente poter trovare vie di scampo alla sicura morte di persone malate in modo grave di una malattia considerata rara. Eppure su FaceBook gli insulti alla ragazza che si diceva pro la sperimentazione sono piovuti a valanga. Rileggete piu' volte le parole del professor Vianello: prima di scrivere pensare alle conseguenze di cio' che si e' scritto. Che senso puo' avere scrivere gli aiguri per la morte di questa ragazza ammalata? Si puo' essere contrari alla sperimentazione ma lo sipuo' anche esternare in modo meno drammatico. E se capitasse a vostra figlia, una malattia del genere, e solo sperimentando su un animale si potesse trovare il modo di salvarla, voi lascereste morire vostra figlia solo per un ideale? Io sono contro la vivisezione da decine di anni, ma io sono contro quel tipo di sperimentazione perche' esistono altri sistemi per sperimentare. Tuttavia, se una malattia uccide l'umano, occorre trovare un sistema che ci aiuti a sperimentare in modo differente, piuttosto che uccidere altri mammiferi. Le Universita' del mondo non trovano fondi che potrebbero servire a trovare il sistema alternativo, pero' ci sono migliaia di persone che sono pronte a sacrificare il costo del vitto pur di comperare un Rolex o una Ferrari. Ebbene, anziche' scagliarci contro la scienza scagliamoci contro queste persone che negano un supporto alla ricerca, considerando che chi sta ai Governi, se ne strafrega di contribuire alla ricerca stanziando fondi. I Governi pensano ad arricchirsi, le universita' invece devono sopravvivere aumentando i costi agli studenti ed alle famiglie e cosi' la catena di Sant'Antonio non finisce mai... Chiedere scusa alla giovane, da parte dei Face Bookisti scellerati credo sia obbligatorio.

Atyrau, 30/12/2013-INC News

Another time the leg of Europe shakes the people...

The continuity of shock, much more frequent than in the past, does not suggest good prospects for the long peninsular stretch of land shaped like a boot and called Italy. A few years ago I remember a Japanese seismologist said that the area of ​​Naples should be considered at risk, because it is not enough to believe that the Vesuvius is an extinct volcano, indeed! I do not want to think about what could happen if Mount Vesuvius suddenly would begin to emit tons and tons of lava on Naples .....


Atyrau, 30/12/2013-INC News

Ma che 2013, accidenti!!

Il 2013 passera' alla storia per essere il piu' nefasto: oltre 50 importanti personaggi dello sport o dello spettacolo o della politica sono deceduti durante l'anno. Spesso si parla di casualita', ma io credo che questo 2013 sia da considerarsi peggio di un anno bisestile!!!

Atyrau, 30/12/2013-INC News

Monday, December 23, 2013

Inventor of AK-47 assault rifle Mikhail Kalashnikov dies at 94

Скончался создатель АК-47 Михаил Калашников

Ukraine, Donetsk region prefer stay close to Russia not EU

After a long term of the EU protests and clashes in the country the end is turning so obvious,  they want to be with Russia rather than the EU. And the decision has been made not only by government, but also by the majority.  On the other hand the nation in whole is not ready for the rapid changes. Because they have many things in common with Russia: culture, history, economics and eventually a lifestyle. We should understand that entering in the EU means to change its lifeway completely.

23/12/13, Almaty, - INC News

Eyebombing - новый бум в интернете

The Incredible reunion of two musicians! Carlos Santana found his ex Bandmate became homeless.

Carlos Santana found his ex Bandmate, drummer Marcus Malone after many years of being apart. More than 40 years ago Malone went to jail. After releasing from jail he could not find a constant job and became homeless.  This touching reunion of two legendary musicians has been arranged by the corresponded of TV channel KRONE4, who first noticed Marcuse Malone while doing the story about illegal dumping. 

23/12/13, Almaty - INC News

Friday, December 20, 2013

London road traffic accident-last news

It is not enough what happened yesterday at the Apollo's Theatre, now a big crash of bus in London generated 32  passengers injured . We hope that a serious investigation is performed to verify the real reasons of this incredible crash.

Atyrau, 20/12/2013-INC News

Povera Italia

Un tempo chiamavano l'Italia "spaghetti e manduline", poi, dopo l'operazione Mani Pulite di DiPietro fu menzionata come "Italia fustelle e bustarelle". Infine arrivo' Berlusconi, e venne chiamata "il Paese del Bunga-Bunga". Ma ora? Dopo vicende come questa (e sono migliaia mai denunciate) come chiameremo l'Italia? "Session-droga e Rock 'ND roll"?

Atyrau, 20/12/2013 - INC News

Putin promised and he has done what declared

news at the moment

no comment: best of 2013

Heart-stopping high-wire video: French daredevils walk on cable car wire...

Putin to pardon jailed oil tycoon Khodorkovsky

New Putin's conference

The escalation of Vladimir  Putin continues. Now he promises the pardon to Mikhail Khodorkovsky, and in the same way, as mentioned in ANSA Agency, during an important conference with Media, he needs to establish new roles in defense of traditional moral value of new Russia.In the same conference he has expressed regret for the Pussy Riot not for the fact that they are in prison, but for the fact that they tried to humiliate the dignity of women.


Atyrau,20/12/2013-INC News

Killer Wanted

Qualcuno spieghi come sia possibile che un serial killer debba usufruire di una licenza premio....! Se un individuo ha commesso un reato contro la persona in continuita' con il fine di togliere la vita alle persone da esso lese, deve esserci una ragione, che deve essere vakutata da un punto di vista psichiatrico , e questo iter di esame deve avvenire in un carcere. Non credo minimamente alla serieta' della persona incriminata di essere un signore e di dare sicurezza del proprio ravvedersi da cio; che ha fatto, o per lo meno non in questo periodo, forse molto piu' avanti con pena conclusa. Se ora egli dovesse di nuovo uccidere, come si sentirebbe il Giudice?

Atyrau, 20/12/2013-INC News

Another Public place crashed

Just as there is safety in football stadiums, there should be security in cinemas, theaters, public places. For years we are witnessing a real massacre of people who die in places where safety rules, invented in England just so narrow and strict, are completely disregarded and never observed. In this case should be investigated up to the limit of the possible the reasons that generated of this collapse and apply the obligation of all the safety standards that actually exist. If we took beyond the imagination to protect the life after the massacre of Piper Alpha, now is the time to decide for theaters and public spaces. Otherwise someone has to explain for what reason Safety and Security Rules have been written.

Atyrau, 20/12/2013-INC News

Monday, December 16, 2013


- Developing Kazakhstan-

At the threshold of 21 Century we are now finally independent Country that has its subrogation, political system, raw materials and ideas for future. But is it the essence? What we need to become like all average developed Countries in the world with stable economic position, and when? Do we suffer from Americanization, oops ''globalization'', or we are fighting with our archaic system being constantly called “tradition” that never puts us on front. Have you ever realized evolution of the Country by leaning back to the pastTo get the answers to all below posed questions I addressed several times to citizens of Atyrau: no comments received.

The most sincere and logical answers I received  from one Netherlander in an interview:

Do you believe in crucial success of our Country?

-For what I have seen yes. Kazakhstan was a Colony of Russia for 70 years. Your nation has now independence since 22 years. There are several countries with an own strategic plan that was integrated with other nations. No one of them can develop individually without integration.   
Recently our president, Mr. Nazarbayev, declared new strategy «Kazakhstan-EXPO-2050» to entire Country and worldwide. In his strategy he emphasized literate Kazakhstan and independent production apart from the oil - gas industry. What do you think might be an engine to reach the targets?

- We western people appreciate the power that your president gives. We consider him modern president and not a classical dictator like being in Iraq. He takes care of his Nation. But while you have 16 million populations, your manpower is still poor. From this arose the big necessity to hire manpower from abroad. I observed the big consumption wave in your society, but not product creation. We have never seen a trademark «made in Kazakhstan». Equipment and technology are important for production. For example, you have 'caviar' - why not to produce good quality of caviar to be competing with Russia? For this you need to refresh technology and increase number of equipment.
Kazakhstan has provided 37% of uranium production of global volume. As per indexes of the year 2012 Kazakhstan established a new record - 20,900 tons of uranium production. So means, you have overtaken Australia and put your Country in 1st place on the pedestal. Technology periodically is being updated; you need to run your technology in order to export your products. I can't afford to think that your Country is not able to have top quality of apple and many other fruits. Why you import the products that you may produce on your own? I can assure that your entrepreneurs could have big plantations of artichokes, celery, romana salad and other different vegetables. After they sell them for logical price so they could invade the market.
The remarkable attention has to be given to your scholars and institutions. As your president Mr. Nazarbayev has already noted, a big gap in your institutions is that you need to open new university system according to international standards.

We have plenty of foreign oil Companies that are working in the territory of our Country. Foreign investment is as a weapon against Kazakhstan economics or traditional conflict for local authorities. What do investors really want from joint business with Kazakhstan?

- Foreign companies, investing your power to produce their products: house-kitchen tools / equipment, shoes and clothes, furniture, everyday use items to gain their profit. Europeans want another trademark and not Chinese. Kazakhstan has a double interest in this case. You are not to be afraid of foreign interest for your future.

What is success? I think it is a mixture of having a flair for the thing that you are doing; knowing that it is not enough, that you have got to have hard work and a certain sense of purpose. (Margaret Thatcher).
The overview by the eyes of expat reflected his worry for the future of Kazakhstan and awareness of the situation. So did we know much about our country than an expat or are we the margins of our nation?  What have you done to develop your country? Is it enough to be born in Kazakhstan or just a little more?

Atyrau, 16/12/2013-INCNews
Copyright-Mira Kartbayeva-2013

No comment! China's Chang'e-3 lunar probe lands on Moon

No comment! Italy: students clash with police - no comment

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Not only bags done by Chinese

Now the right-thinking people will say that this mission is invented as the American moon landing, I bet. And instead they succeeded in landing a robot completed with a high-definition camera. We let the Chinese and Japanese be photographed all of the Western world, doesn't it? Now we expect everything and more, and perhaps will be just a Chinese the first to land on Mars .....


Rotterdam, 15/12/2013-INC News

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Do they need a dress if they have a perfect body?

The site “Pop Crush” posted photos of the most scandalous red carpet dress 2013. Rihanna, Miley Cyrus, Katy Parry and many others showing off their frank dresses.   
Beautiful body is the best weapon for Show-business stars in this endless battle for glory. However the main thing is to know how to highlight their body advantages delicately. Some of them handle the task but there are those who practically flaunt their intimate parts, thereby celebs make noise and a lot of talks. But that is what they want because it is part of their job. Nevertheless they should be a bit modest, as the modesty is considered as the most valuable jewel of women.


Almaty, 14/12/13 – INC news    

No comment: best of 2013!

Friday, December 13, 2013

Iraq attacks again or only false terrorism?

Many of the places in the "black" planet of oil give to workers stress due to an internal situation often critical. Nigeria is one of the most dangerous, where a lot of expats lost the life together their families. Now is the moment of Iraq. The news report that people killed were not European or American, but if something starts like this we have to suspect that another time that area of Persian lands become hot and dangerous for everybody.


Rotterdam, 13/12/13-INC News

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Good news!



Finally some good news: Police decided do not attack demonstrants in the next hours, but the representative of Moviment for Europe said that will be another massive demonstration to the actual regime, with milion of people.

Amsterdam, 11/12/13- INC News 

Really necessary the Police attack?

We invite all people which remember Tyen Ammen Place action years ago, to reflect on what is happening in Kiev. It is not using Police attack that a political resolution has to be treated. Ucrainian people expressed their opinion on entering or not in European Union. It is time to stop to violene and open to dialog. We are afraid that in the next hours the situation in Kiev will be a real blood flood....



Almaty, 11/12/13-INC News

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Revolution of Putin in the media

This seems to me a tentative to brake the activity of journalists of opposition...Also Russia should have opposition as democracy of normal life. If Vladimir Putin has done this just only to take a single control of media as commercial act it is absolutely acceptable. The problem connected with gays is so small that we cannot identify in it the reason of so big challenge....


Rotterdam, 10/12/2013-INC News

Continua la rivolta a Kiev

Monday, December 9, 2013

Цепная реакция уголовных дел бывших акимов. Что это – профессиональная привычка или черный PR?

Еще 2 столетия назад наш великий филосов Абай писал:
«Люди, хорошо  знающие казахов, говорили: «Если биев двое, то споров четыре». Отсутствие верховного судьи и четное число биев только усложняет решение споров. Зачем наращивать количество биев? Пусть бы споры решались  и посредником, выбранным истцами. И только не сыскав истины у этих людей, не придя к мировой, спорящие обращались бы к одному из трех постоянных судей. Тогда бы суды бы не затягивались»
Он открыто выражал свое недовольство по управлению волостей. Абай никогда не ошибался, и в данном изречении он пророчил своей стране кассационный суд в Италии, в составе которого 7 судей. Может действительно стоит прислущаться к словам Абая, для того чтобы судов было меньше.  И чтобы бывшие акимы не оставляли за собой целую цепь уголовщин.

Atyrau, 09/12/2013-INCNews

75 МРП за усыновление ребенка в РК

Если верить данным, указанные в Википедии, то месячный расчетный показатель в РК составит 1,852 тенге начиная с января 2014 года. Делаем элементарный арифметический расчет:  1 МРП - 1,852 тенге умножаем (*) на 75 единиц = итого – 138,900 тенге в месяц. Сумма вышла весьма весомая. Поэтому хотелось бы верить в искренность намерения патронатных родителей. Где гарантия тому, что усыновление не будет иметь корыстной цели для увеличения своего капитала, либо самое крайнее – личного выживания? Хотя и существуют комиссии для проверки, но каковы их полномочия и насколько они будут давать правдивые отчеты и точную информацию? 
Atyrau, 09/12/2013- INCNews

Снос Ленина в Киеве/Lenin monument destruction in Kiev

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Goodbye, Lenin: Protesters topple monument in Kiev (Extended Video)

Chaotic Ukrainian situation: a new Berlin Wall removed and a star more in the EU flag?

Since the moment of the arrest of Tymoshenko we have always suspected that the new president of that hotness commercial area Yanukovich were intentionated do not accept the entering of his Nation in European Union. So we are now in a situation degenerated, after refusing to enter in the EU, and the people are now in asking his immediate removal as demanded by Yulia Tymoshenko in a letter read by her daughter. The first reaction of people in Kiev was today to destroy the Lenin's statue as a demonstration of what the Nation needs. And from our thinking we could be in the same moment of 1992, when communism has been declared utopia terminated, destroying the famous Berlin's wall. If so, it could indicate us we are entering in another new evolution of the people of the old continent, called anymore Europa but European Union.




Amsterdam, 09/12/2013-INC News

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Кеме апатының салдарынан Нигериялық аспазшы Атлант мұхитының түбінде 2,5 күн өткізіп аман қалған

Кеме экипажынан жалғыз аман қалған Харисон Окене су асты ауа кеңістігіне тап болған. Негізінен оқиға мамыр айында орын алған, бірақ оны құтқарғандағы видео осы аптада ғана жарияланған болатын.

BBC: http://www.bbc.co.uk/russian/multimedia/2013/12/131205_v_rescue.shtml

Almaty, 07/12/13 – Bolat Kartbayev

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Nelson Mandela left our planet

After a troubled disease, Nelson Mandela passed today. A personage of our contemporary history and goddesses hero of Black Continent. With Madima dies a page in the history of South Africa, a long history full of difficult moments in which thanks to Madima there was a turning point for the creation of a state where the two entities are drawing closer race along a first line of liberalization and equality up to now impossible.


Atyrau, 05/12/2013-INCNews

New video of Italian singer Son Pascal!

Italian singer and musician Son Pascal who is very popular in Kazakhstan with his original songs in Kazakh, released video for his new song “Mahabbat”. This time he has surprised all of us making this video quite interesting, light and without spending any money. The extraordinary music video had been recorded by personal camera during his trip to the capital of Kazakhstan Astana. He had been shooting himself to the camera in the background of Astana’s sights and all actions happening around him.

Good video, well done!

Almaty, 06/12/13, - Bolat Kartbayev

Sunday, December 1, 2013

New Pakistani fashion

I always thought that every fashion show is a chapter in itself, I have also always believed that we just gave rein to the creativity of the designers of every nation and religion. If I look at this innovative fashion show made ​​in Pakistan, I think I perceive a single innovation in design for women but not for men, still tied to the ancestral Orthodox prejudices . What is your thought?

Atyrau, 01/12/2013-Mikhail Lermontov


Protesters urge Croatia to reject anti-gay marriage referendum

Italy: Animal rights activists protest in Milan

Rival demos clash in Austria

Far-right Golden Dawn party protests in Athens

Hollywood star Paul Walker dies in car crash

First female bishop in UK and Ireland

Railway incident in USA

A few months away from the serious mistake of the train driver that led to the derailment of a TGV in Spain, a new scary incident took place in New York today, where, according to data reported by CNN, 4 people have died and 65 injured there would be . Will be to assess whether the incident took place to accidental causes or human error.


Atyrau, 01/12/2013-Mikhail Lermontov

Eastern in rebellion?

I do not know your idea, but do not you think that the Eastern world is in rebellion? Everywhere strikes, struggles for civil rights trampled, assaults to the Government, the dead and wounded everywhere. Yet it is a part of the planet that is as old as ours and should be able to go out alone from his story that seems stagnated at 200 years ago.



Atyrau, 01/12/2013-Mikhail Lermontov

Pole Dance in Olympic Games?

I always thought pole dancing was really a form of exercise, rather than a dance that stimulate sex. The movement and exercises that girls are screwed around the bar could not go unnoticed in the eyes of certain people, and so now there is also the league's Pole Dance, which, like belly dancing, it also includes the male. I have often seen the belly dancer made ​​by men, but the pole still really do not.

Atyrau, 01/12/2013-Mikhail Lermontov