Saturday, March 12, 2016

No match for mere mortals: Google's AlphaGo wins Go series

The machine has triumphed over man in the complicated board game Go. The man in question, South Korean professional Lee Sedol, is one of the world’s top players, but he proved no match for a computer. Losing 3-0 on Saturday in a best of five contests in Seoul, Lee was consoled by Google subsidiary DeepMind which designed the AlphaGo program. “AlphaGo can compute tens of thousands of positions per second, but what’s really incredible is that Lee Sedol can compete with that just with the power of his mind and ingenuity and stretched AlphaGo to its limit in the last three games,” said Google DeepMind CEO Demis Hassabis.
As for the result, he said:“To be honest, we are a bit stunned and speechless”. Hassabis earlier tweeted that AlphaGo’s victory was an “historic moment”.
INC News, 128/03/2016 - source: ©Euronews

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