Tuesday, March 8, 2016
Водитель из Шымкента придумал оригинальный способ благодарности за место...
INC News, 08/03/2016 - source
Reconstructie: hierom wordt Geert Wilders aangekla - RTL NIEUWS
INC News, 08/03/2016 - source: ©RTL News
Enschede krijgt de primeur: hoogspanningsleiding o - RTL NIEUWS
INC News, 08/03/2016 - source
Serbia: massima allerta per le esondazioni
In Serbia quindici municipalità dichiarano lo stato d'emergenza dopo che i fiumi, ingrossati dalle piogge torrenziali, sono straripati. Allagate case e strade. Alcuni ponti sono andati distrutti mentre in molte abitazioni manca l'elettricità. L'esercito, mobilitato da Belgrado, affianca le squadre di soccorso. L'allerta dovrebbe rimanere in vigore fino alla fine della settimana
INC News, 08/03/2016 - source: Euronews
Eclissi totale di sole: in Indonesia e Thailandia tutti col naso all'insù
Durerà solo quattro minuti ma lo spettacolo è garantito. Alle 2:38, ora dell'Europa centrale, la luna che in questi giorni è alla sua distanza minima dalla Terra, oscurerà il Sole dando luogo a un'eclissi totale.
INC News, 08/03/2016 - source: Euronews
No Tav e No grandi navi, battaglia navale in Laguna prima del vertice it...
INC News, 08/03/2016 - source: Euronews
Razzo dell'Isil sulla Turchia, muoiono un bambino e una donna
INC News, 08/03/2016 - source: Euronews
Lavori "da uomini": così le donne arabe spezzano i tabù al Cairo
Om Waleed fa la tassista. Una scelta coraggiosa, in Egitto, quella di spezzare un tabù e di sfidare una stigmatizzazione a volte anche violenta.
Om Waleed è la prima tassista donna del Cairo, una delle capitali arabe più congestionate. La sua abilità e la sua professionalità nel superare le difficoltà che comporta questa situazione le hanno guadagnato alla lunga un certo rispetto da parte dei colleghi uomini.
INC News, 08/03/2016 - source: Euronews
Brexit, Banca d'Inghilterra: conseguenze negative sull'economia - economy
INC News, 08/03/2016 - source: Euronews
Francia: iniziato il processo al 'dentista degli orrori'
Denti sani che venivano devitalizzati o estratti, mandibole e mascelle fratturate, anestesie il cui effetto durava ore per permettere vere e proprie torture.
Protagonista di quello che potrebbe essere un film dell'orrore è Jacobus Marinus - detto Mark - Van Nierop. Il dentista olandese è alla sbarra a Nevers, in Francia con l'accusa di aver causato danni permanenti a circa 120 pazienti.
INC News, 08/03/2016 - source: Euronews
Cina, tonfo dell'export a febbraio. Gli esperti: "Colpa del Capodanno Lu...
Possibile che il prudentissimo target di crescita economica fissato da Pechino per quest'anno (6,5%-7%) sia già in pericolo? A vedere i dati del commercio estero cinese di febbraio, così parrebbe: le importazioni sono calate del 13,8% rispetto all'anno precedente. Anche peggio ha fatto l'export, registrando il tonfo peggiore da quasi sette anni: -25,4%.
INC News, 08/03/2016 - source: Euronews
38 parallelo: Seul dichiara unilateralmente sanzioni contro Pyongiang
Sanzioni unilaterali e boicottaggio contro la Corea del nord da parte di Seul.
Lo ha annunciato il governo sudcoreano che ha chiesto ai suoi concittadini persino di evitare di mangiare nei ristoranti nordocoreani aperti all'estero, ma di fatto di proprietà di Pyongiang. Un metodo del regime per procurarsi divisa straniera aggirando le sanzioni internazionali. Ma sono soprattutto i porti del nord e i traffici via mare l'obiettivo.
INC News, 08/03/2016 - source: Euronews
Germania, prete congolese lascia parrocchia dopo minacce di morte
INC News, 08/03/2016 - source: Euronews
Usa 2016, Bloomberg rinuncia alle presidenziali per evitare il rischio T...
INC News, 08/03/2016 - source: Euronews
Indonesia set to see a rare total solar eclipse on Wednesday
INC News, 08/03/2016 - source: Euronews
Iran launches ballistic missiles during drill, claim reports
INC News, 08/03/2016 - source: Euronews
EU's migrant pact "not consistent with international law", says UNHCR
INC News, 08/03/2016 - source: Euronews
The Arab women in Cairo who are leading the way in aiming for equality i...
INC News, 08/03/2016 - source: Euronews
'Horror' dentist on trial accused of mutilating patients in France
A dentist is on trial in central France accused of mutilating dozens of his patients.
Dutchman Mark van Nierop is facing charges of intentional violence and fraud.
More than 50 patients had complaints such as having healthy teeth removed, pieces of tools left in their teeth, abscesses, recurrent infections and misshapen mouths.
INC News, 08/06/2016 - source: Euronews
EU leaders are using us as pawns in a Game of Migrants, say refugees
INC News, 08/03/2016 - source: Euronews
Seoul announces new sanctions after North Korea's latest nuclear threats
INC News, 08/03/2016 - source: Euronews
Enrique Peña Nieto: Mexico will not pay for Donald Trump's wall
INC News, 08/03/2016 - sourse: Euronews
'Wij denken aan een afrekening'
De politie in Amsterdam heeft een groot team ingezet om onderzoek te doen naar de dood van de persoon die dinsdagochtend in Zuidoost in een uitgebrande auto werd aangetroffen. Verslaggever Jelmer Geerds sprak een buurtbewoner die vermoedt dat het gaat om een afrekening in het criminele circuit.
INC News, 08/03/2016 - source: DeTelegraaf
'Horrortandarts blééf maar trekken'
Slachtoffers van de Nederlandse horrortandarts Mark Van N. deden vandaag hun verhaal bij de rechtbank in Frankrijk. Daar begon vandaag de rechtszaak tegen Van N., die zeker honderd gebitten zou hebben verwoest in het Franse dorpje Chateau-Chinon.
INC News, 08/03/2016 - source: DeTelegraaf
Student komt bed niet uit
De groots aangekondigde studentenactie tegen de Nederlandse Spoorwegen is vanmorgen op een grote flop uitgelopen. Slechts enkele tientallen studenten kwamen vroeg hun bed uit voor het protest.
INC News, 08/03/2016 - source: DeTelegraaf
‘Gebit voor 32.000 euro gesloopt'
Horrortandarts Mark van N. die vandaag voor de rechter verschijnt, richtte tot wel 32.000 euro schade aan aan gebitten. Hem hangt 10 jaar cel boven het hoofd, zegt Eveline Bijlsma die de zaak volgt.
INC News, 08/03/2016 - source: DeTelegraaf
American tourist killed, 10 people wounded in stabbing spree in Tel Aviv
A tourist from the United States was left dead and 10 people were injured in stabbing attacks in Tel Aviv’s Jaffa Port on Tuesday. Five victims are in serious condition, while four sustained moderate injuries, and one was lightly wounded, Israeli media report, citing Israeli emergency medical service.
The Wolfson Medical Center in Tel Aviv has confirmed that the murdered man was a 29-year-old American tourist. Officials at Tel Aviv’s Ichilov Hospital also revealed that one victim is a pregnant woman and another an Israeli Arab, Times of Israel reports.
The attacker stabbed his victims at three different locations within Jaffa in an assault lasting 20 minutes. He was shot dead by the police and later identified as a 21-year-old man from a West Bank Palestinian refugee camp in Qalqiliya, according to the Times of Israel.
The attack came as the US Vice President Joe Biden, who has arrived in Israel for a two-day visit, was attending an event at the Peres Peace Center, just a 15-minute walk from the scene. Sources from Biden’s delegation told the Jerusalem Post that, though the delegation was aware of the incident, it had not influenced the vice president’s schedule.
INC News, 08/03/2016 - source: ©RTNews
Mexican women fight sexual harassment with a song, confetti gun
INC News, 08/03/2016 - source: ©AlJazeera
6.2 magnitude earthquake strikes southwest of Samoa
A 6.2 magnitude earthquake has struck off the Samoa Islands, Geoscience Australia and the US Geological Survey (USGS) reported, adding that the epicenter of the quake is about 200km from Apia, the capital and largest city of the island country. Apia has about 37,000 residents.
The earthquake depth is 29.8 km, the USGS said. The European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC) put the depth of the earthquake at 2km. There have not been any reports of injuries or damage, and no tsunami warning has been issued. The part of the South Pacific Ocean where Tonga and Samoa are located is considered to be one of the most seismically active areas of the world due to high rates of convergence between the Australia and Pacific plates, the USGS said.
Another earthquake in this area, another quake in the world: a sign something big that will happen in the next future, or cabalistic information about planet suffering? For sure planet is suffering by humanity behavior, and for sure it is not a cabalistic advice, but we have to consider in which status Earth is now, due to our performances in the history. (comment by M. Lermontov for ©INCNews)
INC News, 08/03/2016 - source: ©RTNews
2,000 people evacuated from market in Moscow over bomb threat
About 2,000 people have been evacuated from Rizhsky market in downtown Moscow after an anonymous call about a bomb threat, TASS reported, citing local police.
Other reports suggest a suspicious package was found at the market.
INC News, 08/03/2016 - source: ©RTNews
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