Monday, June 15, 2015

BELGIUM - Belgium sues Facebook for privacy breaches, tracking non-members

Continua la guerra contro le holding dei social networks. Questa volta é il Belgio che attacca Facebook reo di violare la privacy sia degli iscritti che dei non iscritti al social, e di mantenere controllati i computer degli iscritti. La dichiarazione di Obama non basta, le dichiarazioni del Garante non bastano, le leggi non servono. Come finirá la lotta tra una legge e chi la viola, se chi  ha scritto la legge é il primo che la viola?

The Belgian national privacy watchdog is taking Facebook to court over its privacy policy. The social network is being criticized for its tracking systems that it applies to both members and non-members. Belgium’s Commission for the Protection of Privacy claims that Facebook is breaking Belgian, as well as European privacy laws. That is the result of a special investigation conducted by the commission. The case will be tried in Brussels on Thursday. “Facebook treats its users’ private lives without respect and that needs tackling,” Willem Debeuckelaere, president of the watchdog, says. The commission has no power to punish Facebook, but hopes a court ruling will do something about the perceived privacy breaches.
Read article HERE
INC News, 15/06/2015 - via RT

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